Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lookout Lance!

Colby has really been enjoying the warm weather and getting out on his bike. He has done enough laps around the island in the parking lot that it could be called the Bayview Terrace 500.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snow In Portland

We got 16" of snow in Portland last weekend and have been having some fun.

Sledding in Payson Park. Sorry about the video. I shot in portrait and should have shot in landscape. You'll get the idea.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Holidays

Colby with Santa at School

Backyard creations.

Smacking the skins with Great Grandma T. Be sure to play the video to hear them in all their glory and hear Great Grandpa T laughing in the background. Thanks to Aunt Anna for the set.